Monday, July 29, 2013

MTC Dropoff

This is the only picture that my family got of her while dropping her off at the MTC. Not amazing, but I will definitely take it! I found out tonight from a little bird that her P-day is on Wednesday. Be sure to email her before then if you want to hear back from her. You can find her contact information on the tab a the top of the page.

1 comment:

  1. Ciao, Sorella Spencer!!!
    I was talking with Mike about his mission to Italy and he shared with me how amazing his experience was. He has shared with me before many of his feelings but recently he went into greater depth about his MTC experience because I said that I wanted to write some words of encouragement to our favorite Sorella Missionary...meaning Y♥U . He said is was fantastic but very challenging and that his biggest fears in the MTC stemmed from the fact that he struggled so much with learning Italian. He said that there were times that he feared that he would never learn the language. I got concerned and said, "Maybe I shouldn't share that with our sweet Sorella"...fearing that it may discourage you. Mike said that even though learning the language was incredibly challenging and that he felt his language skills were even inferior once he got into the country that he was continually amazed how the Spirit was still present when he taught and how those sweet experiences were truly miraculous. The Spirit will buoy you up in ways that you never thought possible if you will remain obedient to the mission rules and prayerful (which we have no doubt that you will ☺ ) He also reminded me of an experience that he had shared before about his mission. He said that the native Italians used to tease him about his language skills and say that he didn't speak Italian, but that he spoke Marshman-ese ("Marshman speak"...meaning that he had his own dialect ☺) Mike took it good naturedly and was encouraged by the fact that even though he struggled at first, he still felt the Spirit with him, and that over time the language came more and more easily.
    One of Mike's dearest friends that he taught in Italy came to the states and stayed with us after Mike and I got married. Claudio (Mike's friend) said that he felt the Spirit so strongly when Mike taught and that he couldn't deny what he was saying was real. So even though my dear husband spoke Marshman-ese longer than he wanted to in the mission field...the miracles that can only come from the Spirit of the Lord helped him as he shared the gospel :)
