Monday, February 24, 2014

This week has been fantastic!

Cioa Cari!
This week has been fantastic. Sorella Worsham and I are still together, and still seeing miracles. We have decided that president probably doesn't want to mess with a good thing. We are focusing a lot of our time on Michael and Lizbeth, and it has made the work wonderful. We went to their house on Thursday, and they made us something called tiger's milk. It was in a tall glass and it kind of looked like a pink smoothie. Our big concern was that it was alcoholic, so I took a very cautious drink to check, and it was made out of fish. Which just turned out to be surprising. It was so good, just not what I expected.

We also had a FHE with them and several families in the ward (most of whom were spanish speaking so my Italian is starting to become more and more Spanish sounding every day.) I told Lizbeth on the way out that my favorite thing about the church was the spirit I can feel whenever I go, and my second favorite thing is that no matter where I go, I can always find a little family. She laughed when I said little, and told me that the church was like a huge family. I guess she is right. I am lucky to be a Latter-Day Saint and have you all as my brothers and sisters.

Also we are having a lot of success with our English course. All three of our intermediate students have started reading the Book of Mormon. We ask them to read a chapter during the week, and then we pull the spiritual thought from that chapter. They are truly spiritually progressing, and we are working on getting them all to start taking the lessons. Every now and again we combine advanced and intermediate so the elders can go to ward council, and it is so sweet to see our three students pull out their personal copies (they have all been given one and we have asked them to bring it every class) and explain it to the advanced class. I have great hopes for all of our students.

I just wanted to share something she wrote in another email after I asked her how she was "REALLY" doing.

I am doing well. I am learning a lot from being a missionary. I really am doing well. There are always hard things. Most of the missionaries in my district served together in another city before getting here, so I sometimes feel a little left out, and self conscious about my Italian. Also people keep making me eat a ton of food, but I am happy to report that those are my biggest problems. I am learning and I am growing. I worry about all of my people back home. I worry about you and dad, and Alisha, And BAM, and Dan, but I feel the spirit, and my testimony is growing.

I can't wait to see her and hug her and hear all about her adventures!

Here are a couple of pictures I found.

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