Monday, March 24, 2014

This week has been really amazing!

This week has been really amazing. We were unable to have as many member present lessons as normal, because we just couldn't plan ahead very well. We didn't want to set something with a member just to have to cancel last minute because Sorella Worsham was in a lot of pain. We are really excited to go to to the doctor this evening just to reassure ourselves that everything is fine.

So this week we worked in primarily with three very wonderful people. Lizbeth and Michael are both progressing beautifully towards baptism. It has been wonderful to watch the change that has taken place in Lizbeth. I know that she is going to be such a strong addition to this ward. Also our primary is very rapidly growing which has been so rewarding to watch. Our sacrament meeting is progressively getting noisier! We are also meeting a few times a week with a referral from Lizbeth named Yair\joir\yoir (she uses all 3 and so do we). She is still just very curious, but very open to meet with us, and keep commitments. We talked with her about family history this week and we are trying to schedule an evening in which we can meet with the consultants in church. She has a few apprehensions about coming to church because she has two little babies, and she doesn't think she can handle getting them to church by herself. We have invited a member to come to a lesson with us this Tuesday who has agreed to help her get to church. The last sister who made a lot of progress this week is a less active member named Balbina. She told us that she felt guilty coming to church, but that she wanted to start again this next Sunday. she has a two year old little girl. So we are officially working with three Peruvian families and we couldn't be happier. It's been a little bit slower this week because we are just trying to give Sorella Worsham the rest that she so desperately needs, but there is a lot of work here, and with the Lord's help I feel like it's only going to pick up.

Also we had a really wonderful conference this week. Elder Kearen came through on a mission tour and talked to us. He had a really wonderful teaching style, and I feel like I learned so much from him. It was kind of funny (in sort of an evil way) because the last time we had a general authority came to our mission (Elder Allen who helped direct the district) I was miserably sick, and there wasn't really anything Sorella Worsham could do about it, because we sort of had to be there, and this time Sorella Worsham was really hurting, and miserable, and there wasn't a thing that I could do about. So pretty much we are Charlie Brown and always a mess. Luckily we are going to a doctor this evening and we are hoping for some really good advice. Also he knew the Posey (sp?) family who are currently serving as the temple President and Matron(?) in Atlanta. Mormon world really is small. He talked a lot about learning, and changing from conferences, and church, and personal studies. He said that if all we do is listen to general conference, and read a passage of scripture, and we don't do anything to change ourselves all we will have gained is a few brief moments of happy feelings.

In order to grow in the way the Lord intended we have to pay close attention, record what we have learned and make plans to change. So I have started taking much better notes, and making goals every Friday morning (one so far!) and then following up on them the following Friday (this is a plan and still hasn't happened yet) before we plan. I feel like I have changed so much through my mission, and I hope that I really can become the person the Lord wants me to be. I know that the Lord is working so hard to mold me into something great, I just hope that I can become good enough before my mission is over so that I have a little time to actually help someone. Just kidding I'm doing my best to dedicate myself to the Lord, and as soon as I let go, and allowed him to do the work I have seen soooooo many miracles. I love you al Vi voglio un saco di bene. Mi manchete un po, ma il lavora dell Signora e la lavora piu bella in questo mondo. I bet you probably won't be able to google translate that because my spelling isn't great in any language, so you will just have to guess.

-Sorella Madyline J. Spencer

I borrowed this picture from Sorella Kimball's blog. I'm so thankful someone is getting pictures of her now and then because she never sends me any!!

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