Monday, January 27, 2014

Letter to President and other thoughts

Dear President,

This week was great! We had the opportunity to meet with a lot of our investigators, and we have started going through our ancient records area book that dates back to 1996. We are excited to start harvesting seeds and Sorella Worsham and I both feel that the time has come to focus on those who have been found in the past instead of finding brand new investigators.

Not much has changed with our investigators except for Bernice and Naomi. Erica (their mother\aunt) opened up to us and explained that everyone in the family has been struggling with their faith except for Bernice. We have also started working with the girls one on one which has been great for them. Marisa is also very busy and isn't answering our calls but the other sister's were able to contact her, and she said she still wants to meet with us and come to English course, just not for the next couple of weeks.

I have started focusing a lot on the language. I'm now doing my personal study in Italian, which has been great because I pay much better attention. I wanted to thank you for the focus you place on us doing what is right for us individually, and that choice is between us in the Lord. That is something I absolutely needed to learn at this point in my life.


Sorella Spencer

The rest is random stuff from several different emails.

* Also I am switching all my personal study over to Italian so I would greatly appreciate general conference talks in Italian.

* Also could you put something on my blog about what can and cannot be sent into Italy? (Please see the contact tab and reference the Postal link. I can only assume that someone has sent something that isn't allowed)

* OK I had to get off of email early to do a survey but I finished the survey and am emailing again! So I love you a ton! The mission is going great. I'm really really happy. It's not always easy but I am praying really hard to overcome the things within my control, like poor self esteem and getting annoyed with people and it's been really great. I love being a missionary. It's a very different labor in Europe than in the US, and I am constantly learning things every day. We spend a lot of time teaching people not to pray to us, which I imagine doesn't happen a lot in the states, but the ward is really passionate about missionary work, and people are really great about coming to church, and it's a normal thing to start a conversation about religion.

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