Monday, September 22, 2014


So they say that the type of trainer you are is a direct reflection of what type of parent you will be, and what type of companion you are is a direct reflection on what type of spouse you will be. If so I am pretty confident in my parenting skills and really nervous about my marriage. I have had a really hard time communicating with my companions because I HATE contention, which has caused a lot of problems in my companionships. I remember that I was ok with telling you things that I didn't like so I'm hoping that it will be a problem that resolves itself in long term situations. (I meant that kind of as a joke, but also kind of to reassure myself.

Also random funny story we went to correlation last night and I told everyone where I was from Georgia, and he told me that he had only heard ugly things about georgia. It was kind of awkward and I didn't know what to say so I told him that I was from Georgia, so I know that there are some beautiful things from there. I meant it as we have great peaches and beautiful lakes and I know because I have seen them, but everyone took it to mean that I was the beautiful thing. They all laughed and it made me look much more confident than I really am, so I didn't correct them)

My hardest thing about being trained was feeling like I was just being bossed around and treated like a child all the time, so I'm trying not to do that. I let Sorella Wineger do everything that she feels comfortable doing, and try to offer way more encouragement than correction. I don't know how good of an idea it is. I definitely made fewer mistakes because Sorella Baker was so quick to offer constructive criticism, but Sorella Winegar seems happy, so I think I will keep doing it my way. I remember you said that there was a greenie in our ward when I left and that you felt like he really grew when his companion let him take the lead, so that's what I'm trying to do. We will see how it turns out. She is really great.

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