Monday, June 16, 2014

This week was heavy.

This week was heavy. It was great, I felt the spirit, I grew a lot, but it was really heavy.

Our investigator Veronica who was planning on getting baptized this week had her baptisimal interview with our district leader on Saturday. During the interview she and Anziano Carr decided that she should probably wait a little bit to get baptized, it's definately for the best and she is still working towards getting baptized but it kind of ruined the sword fish lunch we had afterwards.

Sorella Marquis had to go to the hospital for stomach pains that ended up being a nerve inflamation on her ribs. That was stressful.

Other heavy things happened, but I am having a hard time sorting through them in my head right now. On a plus side my beautiful moment this week was named Lamin (yep like Nephi's brother , I kind of feel like I have the power to change the whole story line of the book of Mormon). He is from Gambia, and comes from a muslim background. We told him there was a life after this one and that he could live with his mom for ever, and he said "Woah, this is very important. I have never heard that thing before." I told him we had a book that could help explain it a little better, and we are meeting on Thursday to give it to him. I hope he responds well to sharing a name with the protagonist of the whole book.

I was able to go to Siracusa on an exchange, which was awesome. It was amazing to see the ward again, and I was companions with Sorella Williams for a little over 24 hours. The best part was just having a little bit of a break. I am sure that there are problems in Siracusa, but they aren't my problems and it was pure bliss. As soon as I got back to Catania, I felt the weight or responsibility hit me again.

I have come to realize that rest as viewed by Latter-day Saints is a little bit different than how the rest of the world sees it. I am able to go to bed almost every night knowing that I am doing what the Savior expects of me, but I also know that there is a lot more to go, and I'm tired, and I didn't wash my hair this morning, but I would so much rather have the sense of peace that comes from following the gospel than clean hair.

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