Monday, October 14, 2013

P-day's are now on Monday!

Transfers came and Sorella Baker and I are still serving here in Siracusa. Sorella KImball is being transferred to a small city outside of Rome, so the days of the Spencer W. Kimball jokes are over. :( At least for now, I have great hopes that we will serve together one day. I don't see myself ever leaving Sicilia, I just fit in here too perfectly so she will have to come back.
This email may not be the best quality, all the other missionaries are in here, and they are being absolutely hilarious which normally would be awesome, but right now is just really distracting. So in Siracusa we have 500 less actives, Sorella Baker and I have been trying to visit them, and we have had a lot of success, but there is only so much we can do. Sister Baker and I were studying together and we were talking about member missionary work and the differences between Georgia, and Idaho. Then Sorella Baker pointed out that if everyone did their visiting and home teaching there wouldn't be any less actives. I have only done visiting teaching in student wards, and honestly I have never been a huge fan. I have always felt like the biggest service my visiting teachers could do, is to let me sleep and vice versa from me to them, but I thought about it a little bit and realized how great of a tool it can be. As I was pondering it, it made me think about Bailey, Amy, or Alisha and how devastated I would be if while I was here in Italy they went through something really difficult, or drifted away, and their visiting teachers didn't reach out to give them the comfort that I couldn't provide from so far away, and 3 of the people that I loved the most would be suffering alone. I realized that everyone has someone who loves them as much as I love Bailey, Amy, and Alisha, and I decided that I would never neglect my visiting teaching ever again. Later while I was talking to Sorella Baker about this we were talking about how the Savior, and our Heavenly Father must feel this same way, but a thousand times more. Our Heavenly Father has these children and he can see them suffering but he can't physically be there to help them, so he assigns the best possible people to bring them comfort, and when they don't it must hurt him so much. After considering this, I can't imagine ever skipping my visiting teaching again. (I'm sure my mom will be really glad to hear that because she is the biggest fan of visiting teaching) Sorry this week has been pretty standard for missionary work. I can't think of anything else to say and I'm way distracted, but I love you all and I'm praying for you every day!

Thanks again to a wonderful mission mom for the photo. I am not going to know what to do since her daughter is transferring out of Mady's apartment.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Wow, young Sister Spencer, you think you had nothing interesting to share because of the "distractions" and yet you opened your wonderful heart and poured out such amazing and wonderful ministering - even from so very far away. I am sure Heavenly Father is most pleased with His sweet and faithful daughter. Most pleased indeed, because your words of great wisdom regarding Visiting Teaching have sent ripples of encouragement to this tattered heart and so many others as well. Were it not for VTs I, personally, would probably not still be a member, or, at the very least I know I would be "less active." A diagnosis of advanced state of heart failure has all but left me bedridden most of my days and I don't get to church as often as I would love to, but, I am so grateful for my wonderful Visiting and Home Teachers who diligently reach out to us and help us endeavor to stay focused on the Gospel. I can only imagine how full your mom and dad's hearts must be to have such an amazing daughter as you, dear heart. Please keep up the wonderful work. I look forward to your next post. Blessings and hugs...
