Monday, July 7, 2014

I'm just stepping foot into Italy for the first time

The only word I can think to use to describe Taranto is rich, and rich in the vibrant sense rather than monetary. People are so purely Italian. They communicate more with their hands than with their words sometimes, the food is amazing, people are so emotionally drien
(I am not sure what that word was suppose to be, so use your imagination)
, and everyone hangs out in public squares in the evenings and just chats. I kind of feel like I'm just stepping foot into Italy for the first time, because Sicilia truly is it's own country, and Rome is so universal, but Taranto is Italy. Olive oil, mozzarella, pizza Italy. The ward is amazing. They are so loving and treat each other like family. We didn't have a meal appointment for after church on Sunday (which is totally normal) and one of the members tracked someone down for us to go home with, because missionaries lunching alone on Sunday, non si fa. We have had almost daily contact from the bishop (that NEVER happens, I have had to fight to get an appointment with the bishop in every ward I have served in), we have already gotten a referral!!! and last night a huge portion of the ward came to church in the evening to go less active finding. This ward is gold. The work moves forward in Taranto because the members are helping it, rather than fighting it.

So last week I was serving with Sorella Cherrington, but unfortunately she had to go home super short notice. So I had to drive up to Rome with our Senior couple, drop of Sorella Cherrington, and then pick up the beautiful Sorella Bair, and then drive back to Taranto. That was 12 hours in the car, just after riding 8 hours in the bus to get from Catania to Taranto. I'm pretty much tired of cars. So we are doing great except that we don't know our area, and we don't know how to get around, but the Lord is blessing us so much. I have never been able to learn a city that I have served in very well at all, but the Lord has blessed me with a huge ability to figure out where I am going. I'm so grateful for all the help he is giving us. :)

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